The circle won't be squared
The edge is not single
Punches are pulled
Layers multiply
Angles are multi-faceted
Facets are many-angled.
Wheels contain wheels
One boobytrapped thing leads to another.
Turns are twisted.
Twists are turned.
Plots thicken
Games are played.
There are ambushes as
memories materialise and pain persists.
Curve balls must be tracked
as they bombard the slow on the uptake.
There is fading, failing, forgetting and unfocussing.
Chain reactions
Hidden agendas
Surprising trends
Minefields for the ignorant (all of us)
in vast acres of the unknowable.
Spatiotemporal conundera
Quantum gobbledygandera
It is beyond reasonable doubt
that there is a balance of probabilities
But witnesses are notoriously unreliable
And truth is stranger
Than the Gordian Knot
Which will not
The powerful are complicit
The truth is implicit.
The circle is sometimes virtuous.
Harry O'Neill
Tue 3rd Jan 2012 00:20
After calling in at Alexandria, I`ve been reading about Athanasius (the contra mundi one)
This poem is an example of how my brain feels just now.
the saviour is,
`It is beyond reasonable doubt
That there is a balance of probabilities`.