Some politicians are like tarts,
No cash or cause refusable;
They'll fuck with anyone - hands on hearts,
No promise inexcusable.
Some politicians are like sluts,
Haggling near a station;
Hear them use those "ifs" and "buts"
To find accommodation.
Some politicians are like jades
Whose looks are going fast;
Making hay ere summer fades,
Its hoped-for harvest past.
M.C. Newberry
Sat 7th Jan 2012 15:46
Nick - as a conciliatory sort of guy I'm prepared to think I may have been a tad harshon the species as an entity and have modifiedmy verse accordingly. As for your comment - I've heard that used about our police force...perhaps more accurately as they are drawn from a far wider spectrum of society than those whoenter politics and are thus likely to be more representative of that society.Cheers.