The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Nick Coleman

Updated: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 05:53 pm

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Born, lived, and hope to die, in Sussex countryside. C.V., never done one, nothing to put in it, just a peasant farmer who sometimes writes poetry. Brought up in an isolated Sussex village. Educated by Jesuits, though fortunately the English teachers were human. My first weeks wages as a labourer went on an armful of modern poetry books and since then have dabbled in writing. First published in the Farmers Weekly 35 years ago and paid what was then the princely sum of £50. Since then had a few scraps published in very short-lived mags (hope that no copies remain in existence), and done a couple of readings at a local pub (bit of trouble when some drinkers recognized themselves in a poem)


Fencing in Vermin (remember Sarajevo) The fool has no ear for the foreign wind from beyond The Hill, as he hammers staples into split chestnut spiles round an acre not for sale. Elsewhere, wire slices the wind which plays about the blank bone faces, and crucified fingers hang on the dollar compounds which Keep Out the chattering air with mesh that multiplies the cuts as ripples spread on idle pools. Turning up his collar, trenchcoat back to the fishing trees that net the tears from crying winds, he unrolls another length of stock fencing. Maps of the Underground,1. The Road is Black-topped The gold-fingered travelling gang have passed this way, exuding a stench of steaming tar. I had always thought I could follow the patches back to where I came from; now a future blackboard sticks to the soles of my workboots. The trenchline of the watermain that I meant to use to lead me back to a beginning, has snapped. Once I could tell you of poems of mine buried under each patch in the road, sealed in date-stamped bread wrappers; underground words waiting for Murphy’s children to find. Or the poetry that flowed unpenned down the fingertip controls of a Japanese excavator, hissing through hydraulic rams, compressed by Bosch wackerplate into Jurassic seams. nc 18Nov99

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Nick Coleman

The Bricklayer (29/11/2012)

The Violinist (10/09/2012)

Thirst (27/05/2012)

Dementia (30/04/2012)

The Schoolmistress (14/04/2012)

Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.


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Charlotte Peters Rock

Mon 8th Dec 2014 15:20

Fencing in Vermin - a delicate consideration of possibilities - and hopelessness. We're all at it.. fencing out the ice.. fencing in the hope.. less

tony sheridan

Wed 5th Dec 2012 19:45

Hi Nick. Thanks for your comments on my poems and audio of First Class Ticket. When I heard the audio of Thirst it caught my ears. Accomplished......Highly trained or skilled. I'm not highly trained. Hope I've got a bit of skill. You and your mates are skilled. More please! Take care, Tony.

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John Coopey

Sun 5th Aug 2012 23:59

Glad you liked "Let Me Pee", Nick. I'm not at the painful stage yet but seem to spend half the night walking the landing.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 2nd Jul 2012 21:29

Aye you are wise Nick..I agree with that one hundred percent!

Moi?? Depressing??? MOI??????? oh ok yeah..I'll give you Cheers for the comment and so sorry to hear of your stay in hospital too...You be well (am loving your profile pic!)

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John Coopey

Sun 25th Mar 2012 23:54

Thanks for your thoughts on "Talkin' Brown Ale Blues", Nick. I hated the stuff but didn't have the brains to stop drinking it!

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Laura Taylor

Wed 21st Mar 2012 10:52

Well I'm not most, Nick, and I'm a fan of unusual anything! It's a good piece.

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Wed 14th Mar 2012 21:45

Thanks for your comment on my science poem Nick. I don't share your faith in science - or maybe we should call it belief rather than faith. You are right to say that it just uncovers more and more mysteries - I don't find that particularly comforting.

Science will no doubt crack the aging gene one day - that would be great for me - but a bummer when everyone else stays young too and no-one dies... just to go off at a tangent somewhat...

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Rachel Bond

Mon 12th Mar 2012 22:57

do tell nick, as long as it not a moo cow. something prettier maybe?

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Yvonne Brunton

Fri 9th Mar 2012 15:33

Hi Nick
ref Whore's Dream
Its a bugger when you've got a really great line ( the Ouse...) and cannot find 'les mots justes' to go aound it. I agree with what you said about oblique references possibly seeming pretentious but I personally find the odd one dropped in interesting and challenging (initial reaction is blast he/ she knows more than me! and then I'll look it up - may even use it myself sometime down the line.) Its not so much a self improvement thing as a sad old git who likes sinking into the seductive mists wreathed round me by words.
I love your poems. keep dropping the references in. XX

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John Coopey

Sun 4th Mar 2012 20:48

Hey ho, Nick. Thanks for commenting on "Dream". I haven't started dreaming about livestock yet!

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John Coopey

Tue 14th Feb 2012 19:33

What ho, Nick! Glad you liked Platform. I once got a platform ticket from Llanfair PG. It was the size of 6" rule.

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 12th Feb 2012 09:02

Nick, that's great that WOL has encouraged you to write more, hearing that makes the site worthwhile I think, and I expect it's true of other people too. :)

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Mike Hilton

Sun 29th Jan 2012 17:19

Thanks for reading my Golden Vision. Glad it brought back memories. I loved the bread bin comment! great stuff!

Cheers Mike

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John Coopey

Tue 10th Jan 2012 19:35

Hello Nick. Thanks for your thoughts on 1962. I think you must have been one of the "bigger boys" to be able to remember Suez - I'd have been 4.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 9th Jan 2012 08:58

Cheers for your time Nick..I think the first draft was just too ambiguous..I tend to do that..sighs.. lol :)

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David Cooke

Thu 5th Jan 2012 21:49

Hi Nick Thanks for comment on the Supervielle. I like him,although I'm not a great fan of a lot of modern French poetry. I have taken a few liberties, but I try to produce something that sounds reasonable in English.

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 24th Dec 2011 02:01

Nick- all the best mate- and thanks for your reply! :o)

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 23rd Dec 2011 18:25

Nick thank you for your kind comments on my poem "He Didn't Care."
I myself am one of those people who only show my true emotions to the ones who really care.
Thank you for your nice comments on my illustrations. I love this site. I can add my on drawings, and audio if I have it recorded, to my poems.
I took the advice of John Coopey and wrote a second poem, "He Didn't Care Too."

Thanks again.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Shirley Smothers

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Tue 20th Dec 2011 19:12

Thanks for your comment on my extraterrestrial poem Nick - I'm left wondering which verse applies to you ;)x

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 19th Dec 2011 08:12

Thanks so much guys! You are all so kind!(In Sleep)

Anthony and John - I was aiming for a degree of poignancy - wot r u like! ;)

Cynthia - no way! (Mother and son). And he is "gone" into that deep untroubled kind of sleep that young people seem to manage. And maybe that sleep symbolises the unreachableness of the man.

Ray - re last verse - I'd like to add something to imply that skin/flesh has a memory, as they say that water has. Not sure how, yet.

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Thu 15th Dec 2011 19:34

I'm not sure I like the fortress either. Sorry to be so opinionated! These would be my suggestons: 'The Rack' 'Waters of Lethe' 'Cold Hell' or you could leave it as it is. Others will probably disagree with me and I might disagree with myself tomorrow.

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 10th Dec 2011 11:34

Thank you for reading Two Minutes Nick. I was lucky enough not to lose anyone in either of the Great Wars?? However, when I see those poor sods dropping seconds after going over the top, it makes me feel so angry. Hope you're finding the site useful and friendly too. No pretensions, just put up your work and see what people think.

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 8th Dec 2011 08:55

You can always edit your poem. You won't lose the comments if you just go to edit.

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Fifi Fanshawe

Thu 1st Dec 2011 18:18

Hi Nick,

Thanks for your comment on 'Jolly Fun' - I'm glad it made you laugh.



Sun 27th Nov 2011 14:34

Hi Nick, 'Sidings'. John Coopey's got me at the rail poems again. I read something like it at an Open Mike session in the Cape a while back now and had it published in the enthusists rag. Thanks for commenting.

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John Coopey

Sat 26th Nov 2011 23:30

Thanks for your comments on "7 'Clock Brit" Nick. It's a particularly "blokey" thing is railway nostalgia, isn't it?
Re Beeching: it'd be lovely to have the old rail network we had 50 years ago but even that wouldn't restore the romance of steam.

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jane wilcock

Fri 25th Nov 2011 20:31

Thankyou for commenting on my poem Jack Frost - I think you may have had that same experience of scratching the ice from the inside window in the morning as a child to look out.I have enjoyed a rustle through your poems, lovely evocations, warmed by the pigstraw.

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John Coopey

Thu 17th Nov 2011 13:10

Incidentally, the girlfiend you're posing with in your profile pic - I think I used to go out with her!

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John Coopey

Thu 17th Nov 2011 13:08

Thanks for your comments on BSA Bantam, Nick. I still remember its reg, KET 28F. I think it was a 1968 model.
My worst memory is overtaking (very, very slowly) a pack of kids on Fizzies (those souped up Yamaha mopeds) and being chased by them. A set of traffic lights saved me as I got through them just before they changed.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 13th Nov 2011 12:53

Nick, I'm lagging way behind my usual activity on this site, especially reading. Thanks for your comment on my profile. I look forward to reading your work, on an afternoon dedicated to catching up a bit. Your profile picture and 'bio' is totally captivating. Welcome to WOL!

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