The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Birthday with a zero

Not one of life's ambushes.

It's been coming for years

- decades actually,

inexorable, slow train,

fronted by oval smoke box door.


The growing light saying...... it's over,

saying “zero”.

This birthday has a zero.

Used to say nought

- nought for your comfort -

but now “zero”

which I will not rhyme with hero because

I am not one.

Nor a zero.

Not that either.

Rabbit in the headlight?


Can't fight the train

But can run, can dodge.

Life in the old bugger yet.



My birthday with a zero isn't until much later in the year but seeing '2012' made it feel that bit closer.

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Gray Nicholls

Tue 17th Jan 2012 22:59

Same for me, Dave but this is top stuff..

steve mellor

Wed 11th Jan 2012 12:40

keep running and dodging Dave
wait until there's a 5 at the end, in the year that you write.
what rhymes with 5? 'alive' thank god

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Greg Freeman

Wed 11th Jan 2012 07:53

It's the new 40, Dave! I've got a birthday with a zero coming up this year, too. Slow train coming. But you still appear to be fleet of foot. A poem that struck a real chord with me.

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