The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The Formula of Love?

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Man’s logic is so illustrative and simple,

He thinks he is so nimble.

Remembering the words of the great Pushkin:

“The less we love a woman the more she likes us”,

He is neither in a hurry nor in a fuss

To express his feelings and…. Alas!

There is nothing more here to discuss

From the attitudes of the poetic lyrics.

Pushkin’s words are not yardsticks.

The times have changed

Everything has been rearranged.

Today a woman would say:

“The less you love me the more I’ll love the other men.”

Hey, man! A woman is not a hen. Do you understand?


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

March 26th, 2012



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M.C. Newberry

Tue 27th Mar 2012 15:04

An entertaining comment on how we interact today.
We may give each other "rights" and congratulate ourselves, but the trap is the
way we can use that to absolve ourselves from
acknowledging that human nature and its needs
remain the same...merely dressed in a different
set of clothes to suit the time.
Men will continue to wonder what exactly women want - and women will continue to confuse them!
It has always been so.

<Deleted User> (10123)

Tue 27th Mar 2012 13:22

As a non-henpecked man I still don't know. Is this one of those unfathomable ponderings that can fill a lifetime? Woman are emancipated. They have equal, if not more, right to love and be loved in the way they choose. "times have changed" Ta muchly, Nick.

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