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Happy Marriage

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A little bit confused was beautiful Spring,

She had to choose for life a bridegroom.

Who would  give her a wedding ring?

Three suitors wanted to be her happy and bloom.


March, April and May vied with each other.

About their great love they quietly talked.

April was for Spring like a brother,

With March she just often liked to walk.


Timid March gave her beautiful primroses,

Out of snowdrops he made a wreath,

He didn’t want to know any losses,

He promised her the whole world’s wealth.


Delicate and sweet was April.

He gave her a necklace of brilliant drops.

The life with him could be stable, - he said,

She’d be rich and would get good crops.


A wonderful May pleaded Spring:

You are my love! Take my wedding ring!

Be quick, Spring! Be my wife!

We’d be happy together the whole life.


And Spring trusted the handsome May.

Without any delay she sewed the white dress,

For the veil she took the apples blossoms.

That was her best and the happiest day.


The whole world was whirling in the dance.

May was getting married with Spring!

The Earth was full of love and romance,

Happiness to all this marriage would bring.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

28th of March, 2012









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<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 30th Mar 2012 11:04

We agree with everyone of the comments below.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 30th Mar 2012 02:22

Thank you my dears! Your comments help me so much.
With love and warmest wishes,

<Deleted User> (10123)

Fri 30th Mar 2012 01:22

Most definitely different. I don't think I've seen marriage done like this before. A credit to your imagination and the conveyed imagery is splendid. Ta muchly, Nick.

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Yvonne Brunton

Thu 29th Mar 2012 23:48

A delightful idea, well expressed. There is a lightness of touch echoed in the 'delicate and sweet' of April which enhances the storyline.
Excellent choice of picture to accompany your poem,Larissa. Well done!

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 29th Mar 2012 23:11

Hello, John! It's an interesting fact that your brother-in-law was from Ukraine. But how did it happen that he came to England in 1943, it was the time of The Second World War? Sorry, that he passed away.

<Deleted User> (10185)

Thu 29th Mar 2012 22:18

Lovely poem Larise, I see you are from the Ukraine; my brother-in-law was from the Ukraine. Came to England in 1943 and married my sister in 1950. Sad to say, he passed away in 2009.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 29th Mar 2012 20:38

Now we've come to the point here. I didn't know the word 'suitors'. I had to look at the dictionary as at first glance I thought it was a synonym to the word 'suitable' though I understood that it was someone who suits I was not sure. Now I see. 'Suitors' is a perfect word here. More than that, it rhymes better: confused - suitors.
Thank you very much.
With warmest wishes,

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 29th Mar 2012 16:38

An afterthought - I would have preferred that there be no mention of "men" in the first verse, but instead, that there be a less specific use of description here - eg "Three suitors wanted her to be happy and bloom"...,in my view, more in keeping with the imagery employed.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 28th Mar 2012 17:31

A really imaginative analogy of love and the seasons, with a clever use of the late winter months "courting" the beautiful Spring who surrenders herself to the promises of handsome May.
Extraordinarily good for one whose English is not the first language.

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