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Poets Souls

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I read the poets souls in the poems,

I read the poets inner world.

Pulse beats louder, then duller,

And all my doubts are just hurled.


The sadness sometimes a kiss cover,

Then suddenly curled at my feet,

Giving the whole body a heat,

The warmth of a true lover.


Fever passes through my nervous points,

Chill runs through the whole body,

I read the poets souls in the poems,

And feel that this soul is haughty.


I delve into the words and their nature,

Understanding destroys the walls,

Now I would like to capture

The main idea and the poems calls.


I read and my joy is in full swing,

My own soul gets the wings,

I am ready to fly with the singer,

Like me the poet is a swinger.


I am with that one who dared

To plunge into the holy spring naked,

I am with that one who shared

An inspiration and was not faked.


I read the poets souls in the poems.

But do I read the souls of reality or dream?

Let’s deem that no one here and there lies,

And the law of poetry is always precise.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 4th of April, 2012

poets soul

◄ My Only Love

Palm Sunday ►


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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 5th Apr 2012 12:38

Thank you my dear friends for the comments. They really inspire me. Special thanks to Stefan and Patricia. Thank you so much dear John. I am glad to know that you are acquainted with Russian literature. With love and warmest wishes, Larisa

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 5th Apr 2012 12:23

"In this theme: personal and small
Sang not once,and not five
I circled of poetic squirrel
And I want to circle again" - These are the words from Mayakovsky's poem "About This". You can see them above in Russian. Yes, he was Russian Futurist poet (1893 - 1930), and Lily Brick is on the picture, his main love. He was in love with some other women. The last one was a married woman Veronica. He asked her to leave her husband and immediately move to his place. Veronica refused and at the moment when she was leaving, near the front door, she heard a shot. Lily with her husband was in Europe at that time.

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John Embley

Wed 4th Apr 2012 22:35

Is this picture of Mayakovsky? He looks a lot younger than he does in the photo I have in an anthology of his work I was given by a friend, who also introduced me to the other Russian poets Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev.
Tragically killed himself, I believe.
Who's the lady? -- Lily?
A really nice poem.
I'll go and pick him off my bookshelf again, Larisa -- thanks for reminding me of him!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 4th Apr 2012 21:44

ps. We meant to ask you-
the Lady and the Gentleman
in the picture,are they Ukranian poet's?

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 4th Apr 2012 21:42

A lovely and quite deep poem Larisa.

"Understanding destroy's the wall's"
-Simple and beautifully effective!
along with so many other lovely line's.

Thank you for posting this.

our love to you.

Patricia and Stef.xx

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