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Palm Sunday

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The palm branches in churches,

The light of candles resembles

Jesus glorious entry to Jerusalem.

Psalms the Christians sing, glorious hymn.

He was healing the sick,

He was raising the dead.

It looked as a magic when

He turned a stone into bread.

A Prince of Peace!

He wished to increase Love.

He has come to set up

A kingdom of freedom,

A kingdom of wisdom and love,

A bloodshed war to end up.


The church bells chime tells of eternity,

It becomes today more of reality,

More amplified and visual,

Getting every ones avowal.


Today we remember His path and His message:

Safe the Land and don’t do to it any damage!

Jesus laid down His life for the sins of the Earth,

Proclaiming to live without a curse,

For me and you to lead a peaceful way of living,

Forgiving the enemies and showing love to all,

For only unity to call.


Many centuries have passed since Jesus life,

But humanity still prefer a strife.

Is it our human nature to capture or wait for manna?

The same crowd that was crying out “Hosanna”

Was crying out “crucify Him” five days later.

Lovers turned into haters.


The church bells chime today and I say:

Hey, humans! Try to follow His way!

Create on the Earth a good weather!

Only for happiness fight together!

Live in harmony and peace!

Beauty and only love increase!


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 7th of April, 2012






palm sunday

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John Coopey

Sun 8th Apr 2012 23:07

Hello Larisa.
This reminded me very much of G K Chesterton's "The Donkey". Keep posting.

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