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Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The Day Of Liberation

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Once again the spring’s in the Victory Gardens,

Once again the 10th of April to Odessa’s come,

The memory of that day hardens

This wonderful feeling of freedom without alarm.


About 30 months the occupation of Odessa lasted

The streets and houses by fascists were blasted.

But the nation with sense of humor no one can kill,

The defense of the city was everyone’s freewill.


In the sea of sunlight is the blue and free sky,

The wings of the seagulls soared into skywards,

The glory to Odessa city is in the seagulls cry,

Wind orchestras play celebrations chords.


The southern sunny city today looks so pretty

And the faces of odessites as usual are so witty.

Their spirit of freedom is light as the sea breeze,

An odessite will never bend the knees.


The second birthday, the day of celebration,

The day of spring, the day of liberation.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 10th of April, 2012


freedom liberty independance

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Tue 10th Apr 2012 14:46

Thank you very much M.C.Newberry for the comment and for the correction. I was a fool to write 'in the knees', at least could write 'on the knees' lol

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 10th Apr 2012 13:54

The pride in these words is clear! Freedom is
so precious. You must have really enjoyed
writing this for your lovely city.
One small point - the line about "The odessite
will never stand in the knees" - in England we
would say "never bend the knee (e.g. show

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