Filled with heavy silence
The clouds went on, shaking their sieve
Adding to a sour day all around.
All purpose was missing,
On a weekday torn from routine.
The depressed bodies
Mooned like tourists
Amongst the trestle tables,
Eating to keep from talking,
Black jackets wet with an odor of mold.
I sat watching out the window
Where the clouds continued
To weep on the hill.
The world seemed full of peril,
Squalls were wrenching
Leaves from the trees,
Veering them upwards
Into a cobalt haze.
They looked like newly torn souls,
Light footed ghosts,
Eager to flee the drowning earth.
Ann Foxglove
Sat 28th Apr 2012 18:16
I like "a weekday torn from routine" personally. Good poem - I do like what you write - and the drawings too.