Still a Little Crazy
Lion King in your sheepish sweet meadow sleep
Reap the rough and tumble sure shot
Firing from the hip hop spot music slot
Shooting for the star edges of the farthest flung
Hey ho!
You are a shag bag wrung out to dry
Try rock and roll and watch Judy lights shining
Tit tattle speak easy jelly talk
Tumble talking bumble walking dream machine
Scheming to bring me down drowning
Crowning her Queen of the May
I’m still a little crazy
Lazy some would say
Lazy across my minds pages and it’s been ages since
Turning over a drip dry new day in a way that’s cookie
Chicken diving dance town waiting for the music to stop
Dah dah da
Da da da
Dah dah da
Just waiting for the music to stop
For sure
Tue 8th May 2012 06:48
So what's wrong with my face? ;;)
Life has been a little hectic of late. Things should hopefully get back to normal at some point and I'll try to make a few venues. It would be good to catch up. xx