The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

On The Photo In The Newspaper


On the photo in the newspaper -

The soldiers, standing arm in arm,

The heroes of the World War II,

With smiles on faces and charm.


The photo was taken before a battle,

Before the guns began to rattle.

The sky was blue,

The grass was green,

The friends were true

The truest you have ever seen.


No one knows their names,

No one knows who they are,

May be someone was James,

But everyone was peculiar.


They lay in a battlefield

Just beginning to live

For the sky to be blue,

For the grass to be green,

For the friends to be true,

The truest you have ever seen.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

29th of May, 2012




war poetry

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Lynn Dye

Fri 1st Jun 2012 15:07

Hi Larisa, I like this poem, and so glad that you are recovering, and hope you continue to do so. xx

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John Coopey

Thu 31st May 2012 23:46

Hi Larisa
Very pictorial.
You set yourself a high goal in writing in a foreign language. Keep writing - You are far more successful at writing in english than we would ever be trying to write in Ukrainian.
Good luck to your country in the forthcoming Euro Football Championships and I hope you continue to recover.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 31st May 2012 06:12

Thank you so much my dear friends for your comments, for your advice and for your help. Much appreciated.
With warmest wishes, Larisa

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 30th May 2012 23:30

Photos and names make the 'anonymous' soldiers seem far more real and suddenly the idea of war and the sadness it brings are brought home to you.
I agree with Isabel about using free verse and think this poem would work well in that genre as some of the rhymes here are a little strained which detracts from the overall impact of the poem.
The lines 'you have ever seen' do not fit grammatically into their verses. Did you mean
'the friends were the truest
you have ever seen' ?
I realise that would not fit the rhyme scheme but you could put it as:-
'The friends were true,
The truest you have ever seen'.

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Wed 30th May 2012 07:27

There is nothing sadder than old photos of people now gone - particularly when it was in such circumstances.

I think you get the essence of that sadness over really well. I also think you should have a bash at free verse (non rhyming poetry) - it frees the poet up so much with choice of words.

I really like the first two lines - the use of present tense for people no longer alive - it is quite poignant.

Glad to hear you are recovering well Larisa. x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Tue 29th May 2012 23:33

This poem I had to post on the 8th of May, on the Victory Day, but... it happened that on the 4th of May an ambulance took me to the hospital with a horrible pain, then I had a complex operation. Now I am at last at home and recovering little by little. I am happy to be back on board.

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