We never caused all this deficit,
not us honest, hard grafting workers.
Mr. Cameron, you talk of losses,
find the tax-evading rich shirkers!
The biggest problem was the bankers
yet you bailed them out with our money,
now they help themselves to bonuses
so fat that we don’t find it funny.
You seem to expect us have-nots to pay
in spite of the fact we have-not,
there should be a clue in the name there
whether you happen to like it or not!
Governments should not be above the law,
if only we could take you to court,
you’d be told we don’t have the wherewithal,
and besides this, it isn’t our fault!
Sun 14th Oct 2012 18:51
Thank you Lynn for commenting on my poem 'Dusty Tears'.
I love your poem here and I have noticed that you do Irony so beautifully and with precision.
As poets, I believe that we have the chance to elicit change even by winning over only one heart at a time, and it is like a pebble in a pond.
Keep throwing those pebbles.