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Camper Van


Another busy day, another busy week

There must be more to life than working week to week.

I’d like to jack the whole lot in and buy a campervan: I’d drive leisurely down to France and maybe even Spain

Nothing would be too much trouble, nothing would be a pain


Some days I’d have baked beans for tea or maybe fillet steak

And they’ll be days when I’m going far too fast so then I’d put on the brake

I’d park up in some quiet spot and contemplate the sky

Pour a glass of cheap red wine and ask the question why


I wouldn’t expect any answers to immediately come to mind

So I’d just tend to settle down, relax and unwind

And I don’t suppose it’d really matter if an answer didn’t come straight away

I can still imagine it being a lovely sort of day


I’d keep a barbeque handy too and when the coals are hot

I’d cook my sausages and burgers with cheese on top

Occasionally I might wonder about the question that I asked

But when I’m busy with wine and cheese that moment may have passed.


And if I was still there at the end of the week

Well, I’d have plenty of wine, and some cheese and ham

They’re the things you can store: things you can keep

Especially when you’ve jacked it in and bought a camper van.



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Steve Higgins

Thu 15th Nov 2012 15:18

One day, when my job starts to get me down I just might do that! Thanks MC and all the best to Bert if you ever hear from him!

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 13th Nov 2012 23:33

I knew someone who actually did this. He retired and drove off around Europe doing his thing. I recall him returning to his old neck of the woods once but nothing thereafter. Maybe he found his idea of heaven and just decided to go where his fancy took him. I did get one letter - from a winter haven at some campsite in Spain -but nothing more. Bert - that was his name - would
probably say "Go for it! You only live once".

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