Path of Peace
It wasn’t that her parents wouldn’t attend
because the wedding clashed with Remembrance Day
and poppies exerted a powerful hold;
nor that my Best Man was newly diagnosed
as a schizophrenic cum manic depressive –
though we were both in two minds about that.
Neither that my brother-in-law turned up
in a T-shirt bearing the legend
overdid the bevies and insulted my mother,
obliging me to step in and suffer
the customary glass smashed over the forehead,
a visit to Casualty and several stitches.
And in retrospect I can see it was funny
to be trapped in a lift for 2 or more hours
with a freshly bought packet of fags and no matches.
No, the worst of all was when Path of Peace,
a horse I’d followed with more faith
than reason, triumphed at 25-1
in the last big race of the Flat season.
What with one thing and another
I never got to put the bet on.
After 32 years of Steeplechasing
I can bring myself to talk about it.
Sat 17th Nov 2012 22:55
Funny! And the wedding picture is colourful- it's like all the differing letters in a ransom note.