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Broken Wind

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Broken Wind


I can't say I've been perfect

I know that I've sinned

But despite all my faults

I have not broken wind


I may have been naughty

And buzzed like a bee

But these terrible vapours

Have not come from me


So forgive me, my darling

And admit what is true

That these nasal offences

Were committed by you!


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Jon Ridgeway

Tue 4th Aug 2009 19:02

This infantile humour was never meant to be taken too seriously. Women look and smell beautiful. My joke was that blame is only acceptable if a man's the victim!

Deborah Jordan Bailey

Tue 4th Aug 2009 13:42

My comment was not meant to increase female denial it was meant to be ironic. A twist on the fact that it is hard for women to be natural without being derided. Of course we, as women, can be, are, accountable for our smells. When men do it, more often than not, it's ha ha, what a bloke, if we do it, we are either deemed to be totally disgusting or not real women or ‘ladies’ or whatever.
So many things women have to cover up and pretend we don't do, so many feelings we have as well that are deemed not acceptable, in the name of being 'nice women.'
There is still much, very much, to be sorted in the male/female divide but there are reasons in this instance, as in most of the misunderstandings in this debate.
So much of our lives as women involves controlling our bodies in one form or another. Have you seen the sanitary products they try to sell us to make us smell of manufactured perfume instead of our own natural odours? The message is loud and clear, women stink and we want you to cover it up and smell nice all the time.
Are men accountable for the pain we put ourselves through to be hairless for one thing? Do you think women just get that way naturally? Do you think if we lived without men that we'd bother?
We'd probably all go around in sloppy jeans, farting and burping and maybe even laughing about it. So why do we deny the 'nasty' things we do? Could it be to 'appear' nicer when men are around?
To avert the feelings of self-disgust that we have no place for. Nobody will laugh or slap us on the back for it, they might be revolted and reject us in one way or another. So, maybe it is for men, that we hide our real selves and publically deny our natural bodily functions. If ‘you’ the world, the media, men, can’t accept our hairy arms and legs, natural monthly odours, how well is a really stinky smell going to be received?

<Deleted User> (5646)

Tue 4th Aug 2009 11:53

This made me smile though there is another underlying theme running through this.
A bad smell is a bad spirit though not necessarily a dead one. Even farts can smell sweet which creates laughter in a cringy sort of way. :-)
We just need to lighten up a bit.

Deborah Jordan Bailey

Mon 3rd Aug 2009 17:33

Jon oh Jon how wrong thou art,
women toot but never fart.
terrible vapours? nasal offenses?
is it not bad enough we suffer our menses?
and if our vapours should reach your nose
they're only the ones
which smell like the rose.
the long suffering partner of a man of Irish descent who has more wind than the plains of Kentucky and still giggles with childish mirth at such antics.oh woah is me.

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