One More Baby Means One More Tomb
One More Baby Means One More Tomb
Vast, swelling, productive wealth
Cheaper goods imported
The shoes on my feet
The app on my phone
That monitors my menstrual cycle
Power in my hand.
In China
A Womans fertility
Is under surveillance
Checked by family planning officers
If you fall pregnant
The state knows
On a surgical table
She writhes
Hands and feet
Bound with rope
Abdomen filling with lethal death.
Waiting for the body to reject its treasure
Yanked out by the foot
Thrown among garbage
Illegal child
Child no.2
His Mother should have known better
Than to take on The Health Ministry
Fast forward to 2013
41 years
366 million ‘mandatory’ abortions
222 million sterilisations
The Government will have its way.
Harry O'Neill
Thu 30th May 2013 00:32
So much for the old fear that the `Yellow Peril of millions of Chinese would over-run the world.
They now reckon that their working poulation has decreased by 3.4 million this year, and will decrease by 10million a year from 2025...And guess what? they now have an aging population and growing pension liability problem begining (just like us in the west)Although second children are more allowed now, it seems that the growing new Urban middle class ladies are-like their sisters in the west-saying no thanks boys, let`s just enjoy our growing prosperity.
To think! In China, of all places! all the same problems as the prosperous west: aging population, pension maintenance, workforce shortage (to fund the pension problem) and...could we ever have guessed it! A possible coming immigrant problem! (and the same inability as the west to recognise that immigration is required because they wished to enjoy more of the fruits of their prosperity and comparatively rather less of the fruits of their wombs. (simple arithmetic really)
You express the savagery of the abortions and the connection with cheap goods very feelingly. As you do the huge steamroller increse of the present day.
A timely reminder.