My Nintendo wi will keep me fit.
virtually withdrawn from it:
what I call society.
A lot more wit to be found
inside Nintendo,
than my town.
Nintendo games for exercise
in anti social
I shall close the door,
use cables and infra red
the instruction manual said:
no more than one hours vigorous activities.
Nintendo wii.
Nintendo glee.
look at the size of me now,
tank driving juggernaught
ten pin bowler
of sorts
ones and noughts
of sorts,
replaced the real,
with the artificial
feel of joystick
and widget bits
and attachments for this and that
Steel for sophistication
and robotics
for computer games
for every pocket, silicon lined eye socket
personal computer and facebook
taught me how to be solitary
I used to go swimming, socialise, look
now, drowning in the sorry mess
of the front room.
why don’t you just wire me up
connect electrodes to
what has formed:
this glut of me.
this gluttony.
all things computer solid stated
the more sophistication,
the less you have to pretend its not real.
my girlfriend has been regenerated
and inserted into the plasma screen
she always called me mean,
for boasting about the screen,
and not her.
so I popped her inside
it shut her up a while
and I used a tennis racket
to calm the packet of data
she now emanates in the form of
scornful smile.
I can even go down a virtual public house
hell, soon it will brew beer
town mouse staggered mile
and spawn multiple girlfriend’s
one game for every occasion
a tit for every raisin nipple injected
the penis attachment is round the corner
and featherlight wont be protecting it
the ak47
and the revolver
fit quite nicely
into my world.
yes I closed the door.
on the outside
hurled headlong
into technology
the seedy side,
is where I seem to spend most time
and residing there
Duracell powers me
batteries in an anal cavity
they fitted me with copper contacts
and mercury tilt switches
if I keel over.
they connected my heart to some jump start leads
and went searching for emotion
in case they could can it,
and market me.
some pseudo scmuck commodity of feeling.
yes Nintendo wee
Nintendo glee
disconnected form reality
here we go
lock and load
target practice overload
virtual reality headset
virtually no headspace left now
I’m almost a stream of data
I used have a name
ill text you later-
if theres anything left.
Jeff Dawson
Sun 22nd Mar 2009 09:46
Brilliant Pete and a fantastic live effort. I have to agree although I did enjoy the skiing!! Ha!