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64,000 - cradle to grave

64 000 individual foil wrapped pills.
shelf life .
PR monster machine,
efficient in execution.
knows good and evil.
Knows how to help
offers a hand
yet instinct says
understand the knives poised
in posterior
He will stab you in the back one day.
Isn’t shy to help, and yet to prosper
smith-kline was my valentine for a while
I loved him that much.
and then the rest just followed
swallow tongue
some have made a hollow
where the eyes used to be
some have saved within inches
and within the very breathe of me
at deaths beaten lull
a spoonfull.
64,000 in your lifetime
for pleasure, pain, for cabinet bedside
its good and bad
some stopped a genocide
should a cell have divided
upon meeting the seed of your man,
post pleasure-she took him every day
fed the infants pram,
open mouthed for mothers measure
I am just a child.
and these chemicals
hunt a cunning fox of disease
6 years old, picked at blotches
and penicillin helped
but addiction yelps
like a duckling, immature
odd sox
such was the draw of adolescent onset
and Nicorette, I forget the damage to lungs
I watched them cut you open
just to see the sea of tar
64 000 pills
forever young, we get old
the elder told me
how to suck eggs
I recall the dreggs of a china bowl
when sick
I licked up the last remnants
to get high
-ran out of methadone
they sit us on the thrones of these pills
as we get old and wither
I stumble some days
I hold the hands of those that dither
because I love them
sad and spilling tears
whilst bursting blisters
of multi colours
-you attract me
and I like that.
they name you
glamorous, like a silver screen, siren
and I like that.
you make me dream
deeply, push me
a cushion lushly cradles
senses enabled once more
science saved me
extended years
We all belong to science these days
and we all share the same shrink-wrapped ways
of habit
flat pack double stack
cardboard backed insert
instruction leaflet side effect
pop out
drugs for living
ecstatic hugs for giving
to those we love
cancer has the colour of black
beta-blockers slow
and slack runs the river red to blue in veins
haemoglobin obtains the necessary oxy acetylene
and bubonic the flue
should I get better
ill carve the world with happiness
live life as the last day
every day
as they wheel me away optimistically
winning the battle
for now
and we pray to thin blood stemmed
heart attack
Panadol, opiates
viagra negotiates the canals
of female flesh
we stood to attention
yet under baited breathe
dare not mention
this reliance
on pills
this journey
of swallowing
injecting our concoctions
they created
this artery
this vessel
this table, slab and trestle
they lay us upon
when nothing left
nothing gone
just a withered frame
and the silicon watchdog
bleeps at bedside
its tempo fading fast
you covered me in elesto-plast
every pinpricked needle bruise
fading fast
mother, here comes the light
I shall now be replaced and turned
here is a curtain call
I like the ornate parlour hall!
all that stained glass!
-I was always atheistic
to the brash soundtrack
of the organ man
the chimney stacks are ash
I donate
this morning
to you
I donate
exhaled upon the black suited
the veiled assembly
well heeled or booted
who cares
I’m nothing whole anymore
as  parts of me landed
on flowers
I’m scattered
I rise up as chemicals cowered
in crevices of the crematorium
so released the cranium skull gone
soul released
they could have picked a better day
the blue sky of clarity
was missing, it rained
brought my ashes down
pieces of brass handles vaporised
along with silk linings and bone
nothing is perfect, nearly home heaven
the new generation rise
to consume it all again.
heres to your living
your 64,000 pills.

◄ Nintendo

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 22nd Mar 2009 09:50

Another amazing effort!!! Probably better for a performance this one though. 60 odd thousand, you seem to like that number, wasn't it in White Goods?

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Steve Regan

Fri 13th Mar 2009 11:12

Blimey Pete, that makes my own addiction to Veganin and Nytol look mild. You've no shortage of energy or imagery, however, and I think you compered the poetry sesh at the Tudor, Wigan, last night, with great chutzpah. I felt knackered but I enjoyed the evening.

<Deleted User> (5646)

Tue 10th Mar 2009 10:24

64,000. I've seen that number used before in a very different poem i'm sure.

I like your poem very much. It's packed with truth, inclinations and underlying tones of sarcasm with double meanings in many places.
It's quite hard hitting in places too because of the many people in society these days who resort to self abuse.
Love it.


Pete Crompton

Mon 9th Mar 2009 23:41

Hello there Sian.
I dont feel exhausted, i feel relieved!
Depending on the poem, most just are one take with the usual spelling checks and odd line shuffle. Its just automatic writing/therepy it comes out in rhyme on its own, I have to be careful not to allow that to guide it, so its the usual delicate path us poets tread! I do just see it as therapy though, or the need to express.

Unfortunate I often hide the true meanings several layers down so it can be lost. Hidden clues and sub poems are frequent in my work. A lot of the things I write have hidden things which I have placed for the keen eye to find. Some are jokes, some are clues, some are nodds to poets or songwriters or friends or relations. Some are double or even triple meanings, its fun, like playing a game or daydreaming as a child. I dont really try and be page poet perfect, just enjoy pouring emotion out really love, thanks for your comments.

A great smile you have!

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sian howell

Mon 9th Mar 2009 23:12

My word Pete how do you do give so much within your takes my breath away. You must be exhausted after writing the above or does it just flow from you. Just amazing...I loved it by the way. Sian X...thank you so much for your kind words on my piece

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