The possible dream
I remember looking up,
holding your big hand;
the moon large and bright
just like it is tonight --
we walked hand in hand
as we talked of dreams
and visiting far away lands.
I remember looking down
at my shoes, hands on my lap
as I was told to apply myself --
just hunker down;
I alone had to make my path
no talk of dreams or wishes
until the work before me was done.
I've had a certain longing;
of pinings in misty recollection,
while tomorrow held no more wonder.
If things beyond reach are like that moon;
then teach me to dream the possible dream.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Tue 31st Dec 2013 17:32
The recent poems are zeroing in with great intensity and intimacy, universally relate-able, and 'polished'. Keep posting.