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Only For You

Life is precious beyond compare

Even though I no longer see you standing there


What couldn’t I help but miss?

Thoughts abound how it’s come to this


Alone and confused

Feeling mentally abused


The twinkle in your eye

That lit up the sky


The smile across your lips

That warmed me to my finger tips


The look you gave to me

That set my heart free


Free, to beat only for you

From day to day long and true


You touched my life beyond compare

So isolated now, beneath despair


Realise I must that life is unjust

My heart must beat, again I must trust


Was I at fault keeping you from harm?

I so miss those days you spent on my arm


Thinking back so little time we shared

Thinking forward never again will we be paired


I will love again of that much I’m sure

But just at this moment I’m too damned sore


But I will tell you this

I yearn for your kiss


The above my message to you

This much is true I'll always love you


◄ Weekend Wanderer

Faulty ►


<Deleted User> (24803)

Sat 18th Jul 2020 07:32

Beautifully written. A fair tribute to your loved one...what joy it gives to a longing heart, reading poetry about truest love.

<Deleted User> (12036)

Sun 23rd Mar 2014 12:08

You got good writing skills!

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alan barlow

Sat 18th Jan 2014 14:03

thanks pat&stef i look forward to reading about your metal mistress soon

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 16th Jan 2014 13:39

good poem O yellow headbanded one.As promised many moons ago,stand by soonish for our biker poem inclusive of new baby metal horse.xx

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alan barlow

Wed 15th Jan 2014 16:05

Its been a few years now since they passed(x2 ex girlfriends passed away for differing reasons i wont go into) but ultimately the cuts are pretty deep and my brain seems to hate me in its rehashing of days gone by but thankyou appreciated ;-)

<Deleted User> (10832)

Wed 15th Jan 2014 13:07

How sad. I think weve all been there, though Ive not cos Ive never loved anyone Ive lost so perhaps your lucky in some way.

I like the 'snap out of' tag, it made me smile. Im sure you will look back in time and be able to do the same. x

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