The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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alan barlow

Updated: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:36 pm

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I have been writing on and off for a few years now and had a few singular pieces published even started to pen so many books of my own without ever getting to the stage of finishing the first chapter but maybe one day.....adhd mayb......ooh look a spider.


As yet untitled Sometimes we’re only supposed to look and not see But each of us is, as we are supposed to be If it wasn’t for you And if it wasn’t for me Then our meeting would never have come to pass You are loved for being you, no buts nor alas So little do you know that so much of me has changed You saw through my defences, over years they had aged So grateful to you, that picked my locks So worn was I that my mind lay in stocks At the time I lay bare, confused and in awe At the time I was nervous no words passed my jaw Confusing it was, for both I am sure For moments in passing, both of us sore Emotions span wild and untamed like the wind But those moments and memories I’ll never rescind Your times have been testing of that much I’m sure To face the world tear stained, forever a chore A travesty it is that anyone should hurt so much But let people in and be cured by their touch To be surrounded by love, sometimes a prison To be loved so totally and without schism The signs of our strength, often built on our weakness So difficult to repair when often we lie sleepless I feel I have “seen”, as though you have taught me such To not be afraid, reach out again, feel and touch A token gesture in part This gift from my heart To always be true is my gift to you

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by alan barlow

Doggy Delight (21/01/2017)

This Place (01/07/2015)

As yet untitled (16/08/2014)

Faulty (21/01/2014)

Only For You (15/01/2014)

Weekend Wanderer (14/09/2013)

In memory (19/01/2011)

Flambe (18/01/2011)

Maybe (17/01/2011)

One night (17/01/2011)

Read more entries by alan barlow…

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Paul Waring

Mon 6th Feb 2017 20:09

Alan, thanks so much for congratulating me about People Watching getting POTW. I really appreciate it.


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Paul Waring

Sun 29th Jan 2017 17:40

Just wanted to thank you again Alan for your comments. I really appreciated you going to the trouble of posting a second one but, in all honesty, I was just chuffed to read your first one saying how much you liked the poem!?

Thanks again Alan, I'm now going to spend some time reading through some of your pieces on here.

Cheers, Paul

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 19th Aug 2014 23:03

thanks Alan - glad you liked Gods Of War - not sure if you're a metalhead - but here's the recorded music version to be included on a new CD covering all the war poems I've published on WOL (some of the others are also accessible from the link and are more folk-orientated :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 27th Jan 2014 22:41

...and thanks for the kind and supportive comments on 'cheap whore' Alan - I was having 'one of those days' ;-)

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 23rd Jan 2014 16:33

thanks for commenting on 'grievous angel' Alan- glad you liked it - much appreciated

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David Blake

Wed 22nd Jan 2014 01:11

Thanks for the kind comment on 'The Ides' Alan. It was a real off-the-cuff one, as much of my poetry is, come to think of it. :)

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kath hewitt

Thu 16th Jan 2014 20:38

Cheers for commenting, much appreciated :-)


<Deleted User> (10832)

Wed 15th Jan 2014 13:01

Ha ha! Thanks for the link to that inflateable you song. I loved it and what a lovely pair of nashers Tim Minchin has! I like things that give me a laugh. He reminds me Russell Brand. All men should have teeth like those two - and they should make you laugh with it :)

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Katy Megan Hughes

Mon 16th Sep 2013 20:39

Thank you for your comment - yes, I do dark poetry indeed...glad you liked, Katy x

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Paul F Blackburn

Thu 20th Jan 2011 08:14

Alan, thanks for your comment. The idea behind 'Aidez moi' was to get people to suggest ways in which anyone can improve how they write poetry. Somehow people ignored the proposition and posted all sorts - nothing to do with me Guv.


Tue 18th Jan 2011 23:52

Gosh Alan not even a snifter at Christmas then - impressive - glad you liked Canal-side By Cheese light - thanks

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 18th Jan 2011 22:12

ta ed mellowband for commentarios re my pooim-The bible....ta Squire-me.xx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 18th Jan 2011 19:57

ta kiddo for tee hee reply to my really funny and very clever comment on 'Maybe'-stand by I might think of another in six munfz-Mr bazzin Wilde.....mwoah!

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winston plowes

Tue 18th Jan 2011 10:03

Alan, thanks for your comments on Ghazal (your hair) No it is not my barnet! lol. Winston

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John Coopey

Mon 17th Jan 2011 23:10

Hello Alan
Thanks for your thoughts on Night Mail.
Not sure Clarkson would like the comparison!
I did, of course, mean the comment about Auden as tongue-in-cheek. The original is a cracker.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 17th Jan 2011 16:56

hey fingy!beastie-Barlow ta for sparing me a serious view(almost)on me poo-im 'unseen foe'-el mucho thanko,s squire-Wotsisname.(me am just back from the gremlin wars...bloody so called technology!)


Sat 15th Jan 2011 19:18

Hi Alan - re: Wind-Blown Tree I'd like to think I thought as deeply as you suggested about my poem but I simply stopped and wrote what I saw on my evening walk - yours was a very interesting take though I have to say - as to the offset printing that's just started happening and I have absolutely no idea why - thanks for the feedback appreciated

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 10th Jan 2011 23:57

Hi Alan, thanks for commenting on 'My Head Hurts' :) I'm fond of adding a twist in the tail now and then...
Best wishes, Dave

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alan barlow

Mon 10th Jan 2011 20:21

yeah i felt that the dockers were returning to the hookers open arms from their stint on the sea ;-)


Mon 10th Jan 2011 20:19

Hi Alan - re: Leaving of Liverpool - not sure where you got the dockers from - the ladies were hookers or did I misunderstand what you were referring to - good to hear from you again though

<Deleted User> (8943)

Sun 9th Jan 2011 21:10

Cheers Alan. I've now switched to society's. Thanks for your feedback :) x


Thu 6th Jan 2011 21:28

Hi Alan - thanx for comments on The Haunting - last stanza should have been read as 'forgetting what we shared though is a very different thing' hence the following piece about the ghost - good to hear your comments

<Deleted User> (8943)

Thu 6th Jan 2011 18:29

Hi Alan

Thanks for your kind comments on Regret & Rewind. Much appreciated. ;) x

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Andy N

Tue 21st Dec 2010 08:13

Hi Alan;

Regarding 'Percy' - thanks Alan.. I've never met him sadly and won't now in this lifetime, but glad you liked it... means a lot to me...


Mon 20th Dec 2010 20:50

Hi Alan - thanks for your comments on Hospice Cat - I think all animals have greater insight than we give them credit for although I choose not to have one myself - from the little I know of catspeak Prrrp is a kind of 'job done - I'm off' statement - I happen to know there is a group called Pets for Theraphy which aids cancer patients - thanks again


Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:49

Hi Alan devilishly decent of you to comment on my poems Mad Festive Dog and Consumed - read your Saturn which reminds me of an out of body experience there must a niche market out there somewhere for your work - thanx again

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Fri 17th Dec 2010 22:33

LOL - when I saw your profile pic and a comment I thought the devil had come to give me a good roasting! What a pleasant surprise to read it. I am delighted by what you had to say. I really wasn't wanting to come across as preachy and am relieved I didn't - we all have to reach our own conclusions or those conclusions are worthless. I'm just delighted to be able to get my meaning across to even one atheist without putting backs up.
Your poetry is very dark indeed - tried some of the links but got nowhere. Will take another look on WOL.
Isobel x

<Deleted User> (5812)

Mon 6th Apr 2009 22:23

Hi Alan, thank you for your comments on 'The One',
I'm a big joy division fan yet I hadn't noticed that (?) gave me a warm smile indeed x

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Gus Jonsson

Sat 4th Apr 2009 00:14

Hi Alan
Thanks for your critique re Body Clock very astute..
once again thank you so much.

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Anthony Emmerson

Thu 26th Mar 2009 19:54

Hi Alan,
And welcome to WOL. Took a look at your work via the links you provided, and you're right - absloutely right - it's DAAAAARK - very dark! Darker than a blind black cat wearing dark glasses in a sack of soot sitting in a coal cellar at midnight when there's no moon or stars! Had to look up "crotaline" as I'd not come across the adjective for the pit viper family before - nice to learn a new word, thanks. Couldn't get the link to, despite googling it and searching it - is it defunct? What do you wish to achieve with your writing - more darkness - or a new direction? I'm sure you'll find plenty of inspiration and encouragement here if you are prepared to participate. I would suggest a good way to get feedback on your work is to offer comment on the work of others, a good start might be to give three crits for every poem you post. I have found contributors to be both friendly and helpful here, and hope you find the same. Hope you enjoy your stay.

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