The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


My faults are many, my problems few

Perhaps too many I tell, but just not you

Through rifts and valleys I suppose you were there

Mostly too self absorbed was I, neglecting to care

I see that now, I will see it still

In years to come when I am old and ill

Troubled am I with a past I cant change

Weary am I with thoughts of mumbling rage

Sorry to say I have let so much slip by

No longer will I live by the words of a lie

Regrettably so, she lay hurt in my wake

Regrettably so, I was the only mistake

She lives in my mind she swims in my dreams

Nobodies perfect but she mended my seams

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Thu 23rd Jan 2014 20:30

I enjoyed reading this and particularly liked the rhyme.

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alan barlow

Thu 23rd Jan 2014 15:56

thanks, very much appreciate it im still learning and hope i continue for many a year to come thank you for your input

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 22nd Jan 2014 16:00

I'm a fan of verse that tells a story and scans
well in the main. Good to see this post.
Two points: I would have been tempted to use
""Too self-absorbed, I neglected to care" instead
of "Mostly self-absorbed (etc.,) - to keep the rhyming rhythm going...and sought to use "derange"
instead of "mumbling rage" to the same end.

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