The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Women are also....

...out there, outhinking, outwitting

Outstanding, outshining,

Outspokenly outrageous.

Outclassing, outplaying, outperforming.  

Out of jobs they ought to have

Outrunning, outmanoeuvring, outsmarting.

Out shopping for outfits.

Out of their minds.

Out on the town.

Out of sight gorgeous. 


◄ Women are....

If ►


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Harry O'Neill

Sat 1st Feb 2014 00:11


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Wed 29th Jan 2014 15:44

Graham Sherwood still on the G spot - now that conjures up interesting images :)

Just read the poem before this but don't have time to think of a quick comment. I'm wondering what on earth you'll come up with for Z or S even - lots of things you could probably think of S :)

<Deleted User> (11864)

Wed 29th Jan 2014 14:26

Hi! Really enjoying this one. Simple but clever in its delivery! Particular like the closing line "out of sight gorgeous". Reminds me of a cross between Scott Walker and Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys). As you'll soon see from my posts, I always relate to poetry in terms of musicians! Keep up the good work.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 29th Jan 2014 12:35

Keep trying Dave, you'll never understand them even if you go through A to Z. I've been trying 42 years and I'm still only on G=string, spot, whizz etc etc!

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Laura Taylor

Wed 29th Jan 2014 11:25

Haha :D

Love the contrasts of in and out - very clever little device that Dave.

<Deleted User> (9882)

Wed 29th Jan 2014 09:35

outcricketing!!! EASY!EASY!EASY!x

<Deleted User> (9882)

Tue 28th Jan 2014 21:51

awww thanks Dave!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Tue 28th Jan 2014 20:08

Well - there are lots of big Os there Dave - which is always a good start ;)

Out shopping for outfits? - Aaah - twud be nice....

Well - I'm glad at least one male has sussed it all out - and I just love this!!!

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