The series from Billy Connolly on the subject of death was both interesting and "laugh out loud"
entertaining - as only he can be.
I'm not into man-made religion. The teaching that Jesus was a simple man clad in the simplest
garments hardly goes hand in hand with the luxurious trappings of the "ranks" of the organised
church. And any religion with no joyous songs needn't bother knocking on this Englishman's door.
But that still leaves me with the feeling that there is more than this physical shell in the greater
scheme of things.
Back to Billy! I console myself with the thought of television signals. They are undetectable
by the five human senses....sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. YET if you have the right
equipment, everything comes into being! I wonder if something similar happens when our spirits
leave our mortal remains behind...and a 6th sense kicks in to get the signals of the afterlife.
The possibility comforts me when no amount of preaching of the "it is beyond our understanding" kind can do the job.
Harry O'Neill
Fri 16th May 2014 21:53
M.C`S point about television signals is very profound.
In this era of scientism we have all been kidded that an account of how we arrive at some technical `wonder` or other is a sufficient explanation of its existence - when the reality of it being existentially possible in the first place
is more mysterious.