My Smile Is Not For You
Until the sun is bruised and the birds are gone,
I will be here.
So, if you want rid of surrounding eyes
then it's best you break my heart.
A word of warning before you do,
this smile you see now will never be for you,
not one minute more.
It'll be for the faint azure;
for the innocent laugh of my baby nephew
who doesn't know pain like mine -
I pray he never does.
The way the stars shine
even although they are oppressed
by the moon's authoritarian way
of running things in this day and age.
My smile does not exist
for you any more.
Take a left now, straight down the corridor;
that's where you'll find the door!
Ged the Poet
Fri 20th Jun 2014 18:49
Hi Em
Very subtle yet strong words from someone not afraid to make a decision.
The way the stars shine
even although they are oppressed
by the moon's authoritarian way...
Descriptive and powerful. Anyone who has tried to observe the heavens on a full moon will have no doubt the intention of the subject. I really like this.