8 Months
8 months
Is the longest I've been able to go without sex since I was 16
I stood frozen, mind racing a mile a minute
Trembling as the truth set in
I was unable look away
As memories replayed themselves like movies in the mirror
New characters and slightly different scenario in each one,
But the plot was always the same
Has always been the same
Since that time when I was 14 and stupid
And the realization that I was naive and weak hit me
That I wasn't as hip to the game daddy's been warning me about for as long as I can remember
I can remember,
All the times I saw the game for what it was and still lost
Still ended up with the short end of the stick
Cuz learning a lesson once or twice has never been enough for me
I was 16
When shame coated my skin smooth like baby lotion
When denial became my best friend because when no didn't get through to him,
I didn't fight back,
Laid there as if I wanted it cuz my screams and cries never manage to make it out of my head
To this day,
He'll never know what he took from me
That I credit him with laying the foundation of the walls around my heart that grow higher and higher with every man I sleep with
I was 17
When I perfected my mask and began the slow process of killing my emotions
Buried them so deep I was surprised
That my jerk of an ex was able to make me cry
Was mad more at myself than at him
Cuz I should have known better than trust any man who wasn't family
The damage he did to my self esteem
Was the beginning of the end of the girl I used to have pride in
She disappeared slowly and I didn't do anything to stop it
Cuz I couldn't handle the things she felt
The tears she cried hoping someone would save her
Or if that was too much, just listen
But I couldn't allow that
Couldn't let anyone see how dirty I was on the inside
How disgusted and sad and stupid I was
So I drowned that poor girl in her useless emotions and became someone new
Someone numb, and hard
Who seemed sweet and innocent to everyone who didn't care enough to look beyond the surface
I was 18
When I found kindred spirits who could see right through me
Who loved me despite my weird quirks and lent me their strength
Who gave me shoulders to cry on as they worked their way around barriers meant to keep out fake friends and shady dudes
They became my sisters
Watched me break and helped pick up the pieces of me I tried to get rid of
They helped me grow
And words can't express how much I love them for that simple thing alone
Even they can't know how every sexual assault lecture I have to sit through takes me back in time to that weak 16 year old girl
Who thought she couldn’t say no
Who thought she lost that right after allowing too much too soon
And since she didn't scream, he didn't really rape her
That silly 17 year girl
Who was determined to use them before they could use her
As if in the end she could control and reject the pain every notch on her belt cost her
That reckless 18 year old girl
Who was numb and unfeeling
Used freshman year as an excuse to be a hoe
That 19 year old girl,
Who grew up and changed her ways
But still couldn't seem to make it longer than 8 months with no lover
This 20 year old girl
Who is just now realizing that until she can forgive herself for being too trusting and naïve,
She'll never be truly happy
Or intimate with any man
That the shame will never go away
And that careless asshole will always have power over her
That the lessons she's learned
And the woman she's becoming
Will never go longer than 8 months with no new lover
I have to learn how to forgive
And how to truly
Let go
Candice Reineke
Wed 9th Jul 2014 04:37
Dominique, thanks for sharing your story in such a beautifully vulnerable, lyrical way. I pray that you will continue to have the courage to take it one day at a time, standing firm on the reality that shame and fear no longer have a hold on you. p.s. thanks for your note on "don't put me in your box" :)