The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

honesty (Remove filter)

A Poet With An Ego

A poet with an ego

Thinks he has something to say.

But in reality

He's just getting in the way.

A poet with an ego

Sees his words as powerful tools,

And thinks his name

Will be listed among who's who.

But a poet with a heart that is open

Gets out of the way

And lets the truth speak.


(Note - the use of "he" is generic for he/she/me).

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Your love isn't something I would willingly give away 

I wouldn't dare make a mistake, so that your love would decay

They say I'm on a leash but I wouldn't care anyway 

Your love is for me like a flower on a rainy day

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lovehappyinlovehonestylovers poemscourage

White Rose

In a world full of people

so lost in the fight

I’ve not met another like you,

who midst all the crowd

stands out in the night…

as the white rose of all that is true.

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purityhonestybeing true

I’m that friend

Yes, I’m that friend that’s mean but true.

Forever trying to look out for you.


I’m that friend that’s firm but fair,

But at the end of each heartbreak, I’m always there.


I’m that friend that will constantly scold you to see,

That you’re not being the best you that you can be.


I’m that friend that calls you a fool;

When you let everyone else use you like a broken...

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friendshipnever giving uphonestytruthreal friend


I put a post of myself on again

And then think of all the critics

Those so called friends frowning in consternation at my narcissistic tendencies 

As if am putting a mirror up to their own insecurities 

That need to nuke the system sings in my synapses

Normality makes me mad

Friendship can’t be had

I am miles away from my mission but closer than most

God is not the Father, ...

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Social mediahonestyadhddepressionmental illness

My Best Friend

She was my best friend.

I loved her unconditionally.

I loved the way she spoke her mind,

The way she worded things.

The way she lied.

Oh how she loved to lie,

Twisting stories to keep me hooked.

She doesn’t know that I know about her lies.

She doesn’t need to.

As much as she’s hurt me,

I could never hurt her back.

I mean, I wouldn’t dare to.

She’s my best friend...

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Faith, Love and Honesty

I will be embarking now on a sequence of poems, in chronological and thematic order, that will stretch back right towards some of my earliest poetry. The collective theme is 'Love's Tempest', within which there will be various sub-themes. We start with the sub-theme 'Beginnings'.

Although this particular poem was probably written when I was 19 or 20 years old, it talks about earlier chidhood. I...

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anti semitismbullyingfaithfriendshiphonestylove's tempestself esteembeginnings

Proof read

I don’t need to proofread

I don’t even care. 


My poetry is my heart, and I don’t need to

Check it over, because the thoughts I write 

Are the thoughts that my heart evokes. 

If the grammar is wrong, if the words are clunky,

If my explanation is off then that’s okay.

That’s what my heart wanted to say.


I don’t care whether anyone likes my words 

They’re not for ...

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Valentine's Wish

Don’t get me wrong

I often long for chocolate;




tied with a bow,

seems more about show

than any love that I know.


I value your time

more than a sweetly, slick rhyme.

Your words have more worth

than a purchased verse;


whispered, in private

has more meaning.


Choose genuine over saccharine.

Be present,...

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Small Victories

Taking to the ocean
distance put between
my flippant will
and things to conquer
heart beasts
tugging at my sleeve

Turning, turning, turning
from that incessant chasing
the bay recedes, city lights 
swallowed by the horizon
heart beasts
circling overhead

Test me, am I strong enough?
I try not to be broken
daily trials so choking
can I survive them?

At night, rocking in the wav...

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addictionaddictionshonestyliving right


These violent delights have violent ends,

Come close and kiss me hard again,

Will I stay? It depends,

If after the sacred act,

I can stay upon my back,

Nestled in an unknown arm,

and tell my heart I mean no harm,

For is this sweat or are they my tears?

I've forgotten your name I quietly fear,

But really it doesn't matter,

When you live your life served upon a platter,


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Trust can be a wonderful thing,

But if broken you shall feel the sting.

And firstly trust must be earned.

For it is a lesson to be learned.


It is most important when one is low,

And to be with them and not to go.

So show them that you are still there,

And also that you truly care.


When one is in a poorly state,

Be with them now - do not be late.

So comfort t...

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HonestyStuart VannerTrust



Glad to hear your voice 
Happy to be with you 
Always, you're very nice 
Whatever you say or do 


Lucky, to be your friend 
To share you fact and fun 
Forever together no end 
Shining heart as the sun 


Among thousand fans 
We're the mates in reality 
Sharing act and talks
Hearts believe in Honesty

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The soul seeks passion and truth

The body wants to remain aloof

Our minds are the constant challenge 

Insert life into the equation 

It sometimes leaves you unbalanced 

Heightened states

Intense Emotions 

Hearts that lack devotion

Why do we fear the truth?

Our comfort zones keep us subdued 

Knowledge, wisdom and power

Lost souls stuck in the tower 


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She was forced to be strong,

Her gentle nature hidden within the folds of her heart.

Love has been fleeting,

Each time tearing her apart.


Vulnerability is weakness in her mind,

Afraid she’ll be left behind...

A lioness taking on the role of the lion





Very keen,observant, and precise,

This time— indecisiveness won’t suffice


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Feathers at the altar roses draw near my cage

Flamable is love, its scent has no age

I fear not flying but remaining at this stage.

I ponder about the joy of escaping feels like but I still remain the same.

A perpetual moonlight filled with stars, dreams and hopes.

I want to escape and be with you buy my heart is vain

Laconic i am with you in sight, never able to scatter light on...

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Trust is an illusion

Trust is an illusion. A systematically flawed word. A total forgery of a statement. Trust assumes infallibility - without errors, mistakes or fuck ups. How do we trust others when we can't even trust ourselves .. If the potential gain outweighs the potential risk we're likely to oblige. Whether the repercussions be momentary or long standing, we're going to indulge in whatever we feel is beneficia...

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Don't be a sheep in a goat's age

A sheep and a goat once
Got locked in a fracas

“Off you go!
Don't you know
You are an embodiment
For an idiot!
How dare you trample
On the leaf down
From the stem of an apple
That dangle
And which I was apt
To cut and eat.

I really hate
A sheepish creature of your sort
With alacrity to a dictate
Going to an altar is whose fate
And that no offense on others inflict
Or none cont...

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8 Months

8 months

Is the longest I've been able to go without sex since I was 16

I stood frozen, mind racing a mile a minute

Trembling as the truth set in

I was unable look away

As memories replayed themselves like movies in the mirror

New characters and slightly different scenario in each one,

But the plot was always the same

Has always been the same

Since that time when I was 1...

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sex and sexualitygrowthhonesty

In Search Of Honest Politicians

Dream drunk, post punk,
who could see how far we'd sunk,
under the crazy bankers weight,
No politicians worthy of this state...

Once we had some national pride,
but under their greedy thumbs that died,
now we head for third world wages,
screwed by those on the city stages.

We really need to wake up soon,
before we enter perpetual gloom,
destined for slavery under filth...

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Spring Tanka

A winter bite that

mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.

A life supported?

Cease one's internal decay,

Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.

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WinterIceSpringThawCocoonMeltLifeMental HealthDepressionAnxietySelf-doubtLoveHonestySelf-beliefSelf-esteemNurturingNurtureSupportSupportingCareCaringLovingConsiderateCompassionCompassionateGrowGrowingPainSufferingLearnLearningDiscoverDiscoveryDiscoveringNaPoWriMo

Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8

Another attempt at my paternal tongue.

Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.

And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.

E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.

I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.

Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.

But this language pulsates to my yearning.

Ma questo linguaggio pu...

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ItalyItalianRomeRomanPaternalFatherFamilyLoveSelf-discoveryDiscoverySelf-awarenessAwarenessHonestyGrowthInspirationInspirationalMetaphorPoetryOttava RivaOttava Riva formIambic PentametreMetreVerseLyricSpoken WordBi-lingualMultinationalGlobalPoeticInnovativeThe Five Faces of FulliUshiku CrisafulliCrisafulliNaPoWriMo

Beholder's Eyes

Take a look into my eyes,
And maybe we will find
that between you and me
It's the way that love should be.

She told me I had beautiful eyes
her heart said friends
and her mouth did too...
and my mind's confused now I'm not with you.

See I can be the best friend that I have been for years
or I can be the guy that can hold you near.
But I can't be this.

You s...

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eyeslovefriendshipconfusionspiritual bondconnectivityintimacyknowledgetruthhopehonestyawarenessresponsibilitystrengthpatience

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