His Mother makes them both a snack
Jamal, he sits out in the back
Upon an empty old rice sack
Flip-flops and bottle tops
In Gaza, fun for girls and boys
Are simple things that make no noise
For Jamal they're his favourite toys
Flip-flops and bottle tops
He plays outside in rubble dust
His Mother smiles and is not fussed
It's safer there but only just
Flip-flops and bottle tops
Then "Allah Akbar" is the cry
As rockets scream up to the sky
In the hope that some Israelis die
Flip-flops and bottle tops
Their deadly ordnance goes north-east
In the hope to slay their Zion beast
As far as Ashdod then at least
Flip-flops and bottle tops
Jamal's heard rockets time on time
And the stories of Israel's crime
When they stole his birthright Palestine
Flip-flops and bottle tops
The flip-flops are his battle tanks
The bottle tops his other ranks
He pretends they've reached the Jordan's banks
Flip-flops and bottle tops
Ten minutes pass through childlike eyes
They change to fear, then to surprise
What is that noise back from the skies?
Flip-flops and bottle tops
The once still wind begins to rush
And from the sky a roaring whoosh
A flash, a bang, inferno, crush
Flip-flops and bottle tops
So in that Gaza neighbourhood
One less building where it stood
In the rubble, broken bone and blood
Flip-flops and bottle tops
(c) Daniel Dwyran
Shirley-Anne Kennedy
Sun 24th Aug 2014 18:32
Great repetition. "Flip-flops and bottle tops" - brilliant!