Do they know about Christmas in Pakistan?
Has anyone told the Taliban?
Those callous corrupters of the Koran
Who slaughter kids because they can.
"Suffer little children to come unto me" -
Christ's words resonate with minds that are free
But not with Hate on a killing spree
"Suffer...little children!" is Hate's decree.
Do they understand Christmas in Pakistan?
Can someone remind the Taliban
Of the Lord Almighty's eternal plan...
That Man should love his fellow man.
M.C. Newberry
Thu 18th Dec 2014 14:57
To answer T.C's comment:
I take the view that religion as we know it
is a man made concoction that chooses to pick
& choose teachings of love and forgiveness
or ignore them when it suits - as in Peshawar.
Whether that occurs in the present Middle East
or elsewhere can be a subject for an opinion,
especially when it indoctrinates infant minds
that grow in stunted form to kill their own kind in mass murder.
That applies to the two dominant religions
at this time: Christianity and
particular, in societies that still seem
held back under the leash wielded by their religious leaders and their selective teachings.
Arrogance on stilts? Tell them!