Cheery laughter
Smiling faces
Lipstick graces
And cheeks
It has been that time of year again
When we are told to be jolly
Put your life on hold
Let your hair down
Spend large amounts of lolly
Party, party, party
Embrace each and
Every kind of folly
Spend, spend, and spend
Don’t worry if you haven’t
Got it
We can
Lend, lend, lend
Wine, beer and brandy
Poured out as a libation
In a strange kind of homage
To who knows, what
No fear of castigation
A mystery no longer spoken
Lost in a plethora
Of shopping, food and drink
Go on have just one more
You can worry about it later
Time for one more
For the road to sink
Whose birthday
Did we celebrate anyway?
I am sure
I should remember
Now let me stop and think....