28 Years Later
Can you imagine infinity as a 10 year old?
Yet now, 28 Years Later, I think it’s no time at all
I know you’ve been with me, all this while, watching,
I grew from a child, into a girl, then a daughter.
There were times when I wished you weren’t there,
private moments, intimacies, melancholic memories,
I silently searched for you to surprise me,
my wedding, a fatherly hug when I was found lost.
So where are you? Wandering clouds? Catching winds?
Are you part of the Energy when you entered the Earth?
I see you in the things that I love, their beauty,
the old grey horse at the yard, music you played.
I’m still mourning lack of fathers, fractured souls and friends
i’ve mourned in the catacombs of my darkened heart’s den.
As a girl, a mum, a wife, a daughter lost in death,
I’ve grown up in spite of the things I have left.
Now I am happier, remembering your face,
the sketchy images of the childhood embrace,
today it has been a long time since you died
but I will remember you with love on my side.
Emma Stradling
Sun 24th May 2015 11:23
Thanks for your comments.