i remember the first time i saw your heart break
how you held the tiny bird in your demure hands
all feather and splinters and shattered dreams
and the look in your eyes that asked me why we
had spent all night prizing recalcitrant snails out
of their sealed isolation and poking the terrified
remains into its eager beak while it was wrapped
in a towel of purest white and how i hoped you
had not noticed the claret stain melting through
the bottom while your mother and i tried to tell
you it might not make it past this night but now
you had named it ‘beauty’ and it was your best
friend and when you grew up you would go to the
moon with this sad little bird and you would never
be alone again because this cold night in december
your true gift had arrived starving and freezing and
bleeding out on the drive and now we are bringing
it inside and placing it in the cardboard box that the
real christmas present had come in and now we are
keeping it warm by the radiator in the toilet and now
we are digging a hole in the garden and that little bird
that we all loved is gone and i feel like i am burying a
tiny bit of your childhood next to its beautiful tragedy.
Fri 6th Nov 2015 21:50
Hi Stu. This is compelling as it feels as if you've entered in to the child's mindset with the gushing of thought and therefore have given this an authenticity which matches the great observational power it has.
A really good one this.