In a funny sort of way I came to like him
and then
in that funny sort of way
I came to like others too who
I didn't much like before
as if my liking was a fondness
for initial dislike itself
an attachment to overcome
and once won a constant challenge
then I seemed to rise up
not caring so much whether
people suited me or not
and forgot about myself
my likes and dislikes
gained freedom of a sort
not needing to like or dislike anyone especially
especially myself.
Mon 9th Nov 2015 14:59
Thanks Cynthia and Stu. I'm never sure on these deeper thought poems whether they will click, they demand involvement. Stu, it can take a whole lot of time learning the hard way - I think success and fame bring more problems in self discovery . In partnerships we can project our neuroses onto our partners, and not realize. Be prepared at all times!!