You had turned up with a fresh bruise
A navy blue palimpsest on a glass jaw
Seaside tears trailed down from eyes
Half closed through fear and swelling
You had brought the Webley .22 rifle
Given to you by your maths teacher
And a pack of bullets stolen from him
Alongside a hip flask of Bristol Cream
As usual we barely spoke of dullness
Of substances and fractured bones
Instead dreaming of space shuttles
And the desolate surface of the moon
We picked through the urban jungles
Alleyways and long afternoon utopias
Until between the sights the ginger tom
Crawled furtively in search of its own prey
A thud and crunch and the creature lay
Shot twice through the eye and heart
A splintered mass of fur and sinews
Strangled by a child’s primal scream
I found you sat by the poor cat’s side
Elbow deep in viscera and victory
Naming the parts as you tore them out
Crying and laughing and screaming
That night you sent the torch signal
Three flashes for he’s drunk again.
Sun 6th Dec 2015 15:59
Stu well done. To me maths and destruction come together as I was crap at maths. I also have a Webley 22 and it is tempting - but I love the simple creatures ! It awaits a finer destiny.
Wonderful poem , tells the story with great sweeps and its thought provoking about youth,and I enjoyed it.