The Flower Ladies of Tallinn
The sun rises over Raekoja Plats
Flooding the ancient square with pastel beams
As from all corners come a-shuffling
The flower ladies of Tallinn
Tourists glide past with steaming elk pies
And carved wooden trinkets
As the ladies who welcomed Hitler
(for he was a step up from Stalin)
Set up their creaking tables
The ladies lay out flowers and ornate berries
Picked fresh from the roadside
Arthritic bones and a century of memories
Begin another day of begging
Around the corner in Empire
Where the shots come in test tubes
And cost five Euros for a rack of ten
The stag parties whirl and crash into life
By lunch the crowds are singing
Across town the Freedom Monument
Is drenched in piss and lager
A rite of passage for British warriors
I walk past the table
And buy a bunch of flowers
But not from the usual lady
I am told she fell in the night
And has been replaced by her daughter
The sun sets over Raekoja Plats.
John Bastard
Wed 23rd Dec 2015 13:25
'A rite of passage for British warriors'--
as the new defaces the old, forever and ever
we are the sand that yellows lofes secrets