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The Perils of Online Dating!

It's a fucking minefield
This being single lark 
I don't know what I'm doing 
Or how to make a start!
There's all this online dating 
Match, Elite or Tinder
And then there's Single Friend
But does it help or hinder?! 
I want to meet new people
I don't just want a fuck
Do I want a relationship
Should I just try my luck?
I'd like a real person
Not someone on a phone
That responds to conversation
Without going out of zone 
Do people even meet up
In the pub or at a gig
Or is this my only option
To organise a shindig?!
The last time I was single
All these things did not exist 
You just went out - all dolled up
Just hoping to be kissed
The modern way of dating
Has left me in a quandary 
My confidence is lacking
Will someone really want me?!
And say I get a match
Or a swipe or a like
How do I know they're real
And not pretending or suchlike
And the waiting by the phone
To see if they reply
Is something that I used to do
But now I'd rather die!
It is a fucking minefield
But I guess I'll have to find
A way to make it work for me
And leave my fears behind!!

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Vicki Ayers

Tue 29th Dec 2015 08:42

Thanks Preeti - it's tough being a single gal!!!

Preeti Sinha

Tue 29th Dec 2015 04:43

Love this!

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Vicki Ayers

Mon 28th Dec 2015 23:37

It is a scary place believe me!! All the rules have changed! I'm glad I'm not a teenager too - although to them all this is perfectly normal!!

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Patricio LG

Mon 28th Dec 2015 20:41

Today's complication:- "are you going out with him/her?", no we're just seeing each other, "so when will you be boyfriend and girlfriend?", "we're not ready yet"..... What the hell does that mean, is it a licence to be casual or is it just means of using each other?, I'm so glad that I'm not a teenager anymore and if my relationship should crumble then I don't think I could do all that again!! So frightening!!!

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