The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Guide for Potenial Lovers

I am single - again
And a girl who has needs
So boys I beg you
To follow my lead
I have a mouth 
That likes to be kissed
Softy and gently
It's not to be missed
Don't stick your tongue in
Like a pneumatic drill 
Or suck on my face
Like a puppy on pills
My lips have nerves
That give me pleasure & pain
They like to be savoured
Not tugged on in vain
And my breasts ... Please don't pummel
It doesn't do much
They react much better
To a sweeter touch
Nor do my nipples
Respond to twisting
I am not a radio
This will not make me sing!
A gentle squeeze
Or a kiss or a tickle
Will get you much further
I'm not being fickle
And boys.... I beg you
Now this is the worst ....
My vagina won't bite you
(Forgive my outburst!)
You might like to touch it
Caress it or play
I'm happy to guide you 
If you lose your way
It's not just a place
For your dick to settle
Treat it with love and
You'll open my petal
Now, I'm not hard to please
But it's time this was said
And these aren't just my needs
To keep me in bed
For us single lasses 
Who you want to impress
We don't care about income
Or the way that you dress
We want some attention
That shows that you care
There is no manual
Of this I'm aware
We're each of us different
But we'll tell you just ask
We'll show you the way
And keep you on task
It's about mutual pleasure
Believe me it works
And if you follow this guide
There'll be more perks
So boys please remember
If you promise me bliss
Be strong - be gentle
And start with a kiss!

◄ The Perils of Online Dating!

Longing ►


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Patricio LG

Wed 30th Dec 2015 11:33

I can empathise with that for me it was 19 years it is the hardest experience to pick up and continue, but continue you must, find yourself worth. Coz you are worthy, :-) draw strength from family and friends. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you.:-)

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Vicki Ayers

Wed 30th Dec 2015 10:47

Good to hear Tommy! Maybe I should ask for references before agreeing to a date ....!!!

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 30th Dec 2015 10:20

Yes, a veritable what's what of technique. Slow kissing a must, I've even had good references in this regard. Tommy

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Vicki Ayers

Wed 30th Dec 2015 09:41

Maybe! I wrote this after my 1st time out when my marriage ended (after 14 years)- it wasn't a good experience!! But yes he was older than me & should have known better!! I think there could be a whole new poem about toyboys! X

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Patricio LG

Wed 30th Dec 2015 07:13

I guess your hoping to find an inexperienced toy boy then lol, a verse you could have added in would follow from "we'll show you the way and keep you on task............ . :-))

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