The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

No Disguise

With lipstick & powder
Applied to my face
Concealing my feelings
The lines erased
A low cut top with 
A push up bra
My boobs are quite decent
(When viewed from afar!)
A skirt emblazoned
With a gaudy design
Dressed to impress
With a questioning hemline
Spanx to suck in
The tummy of mum
Smooth all the bumps
Tuck in my bum
I'm out on the town 
Hoping to find
The man of my dreams
Or just someone who's kind
But .... this is not me
These trappings of youth
A sheep in lambs clothing
It's just so uncouth 
I'd rather wear wellies
And dance in the rain
Than crippling heels
That cause nothing but pain
My face - it's natural
With a map of lines
Of life well lived
With plenty of wine
My body gave birth
To a gorgeous boy
It's soft & forgiving
There to enjoy
My bosom a pillow
To rest a head
(They get lost in my armpits
when I lay down in bed!)
This is me
And I am real
I can not pretend
I will not conceal
All of these things
Make up the girl
Who still kicks up her heels
And twists & twirls
Whose mind is a buzz
With words & rhymes
I shall wait for a man
Who's worthy of mine











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Vicki Ayers

Sun 3rd Jan 2016 10:08

Thank you - and Tommy I'm trying!!!

J Graham

Sun 3rd Jan 2016 02:01

Enjoyed reading this :)

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 3rd Jan 2016 00:58

Strike while that iron is hot Vic

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