The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Waiting to Happen

Who is she? 
This being 
This life
In and out of existence with no real

A superficial exterior needed to shield 
A crumbling, shattered spirit, hidden Underneath
There are no pieces
No fragments to paste together
Nothing inside but a void so deep it might never be filled
Be warned 
This is a cruel and dangerous world
Where nothing is ever as it seems
I use words as weapons and then 
To love
Other people's confusion will consume you
If you let it
When someone steals your soul
It is hard to find your way back
Gaze out with a longing upon a fragile memory
Don't let the demons of insecurity 
Feast on your dreams
Journey inwards with permission to see
Rise again
From the ashes of reality on whimsical wings

A masterpiece ......
Waiting to happen

◄ Freak!

Bravado ►


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Vicki Ayers

Tue 5th Jan 2016 18:03

Be warned indeed! Although I'm not adverse to being handled! Just with care!! X

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 5th Jan 2016 16:54

Bewarned, for a woman who knows what was, is and will be must be handled with care for she may not wished to be handled. Tommy

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