Television Moon (after the Moon Landing, July, 1969)
Television Moon
‘With how sad steps, O Moon …’
Oh, author of such a line,
Do you watch me these hundreds of years hence
With kind eyes?
Where are the ages between the ancients and me?
Spirits are pacing the night.
And do they walk, too, on the moon,
Like jesters,
Ballooning across its scarred face
In seven league boots
Mumbling folksy information
Through inverted fishbowls?
And you, O Moon … thou lyrical sorceress …
You cratered mass reflecting a dying sun!
How do I reconcile my heart and my head?
I, the Relentless Romantic,
Do vainly pursue
The musty culture of your fair legend
With muddy mind and scaled eyes,
Mirrors no longer of your sheer beauty.
Hearken! Silver Rock!
Help me to draw a magic circle
Wherein I may stride my giant step
From goddesses to stars.
Cynthia Buell Thomas np
Dave Bradley
Sat 18th Jul 2009 12:20
I liked this. The seven league boots were a reminder that fairy tales were the science fiction of their day. We have seen and are living science fiction becoming reality, but there is still a fairytale-like quality about it all