if your life must be preserved
simply as a remnant of past glory
functioning as a recycler of food
and memory
if you possess no means of escape
from those who may love or hate you
or worst of all be indifferent,
or stare as if you were a shadow
without apparent form,
if you can be this and still keep hope
for love of a greater dream
past the stumbling block of life
and look to the sky
if you can do this and smile
without needing to know why
and despise the bestiality of it all
you will not be a vegetable my son
Wed 13th Jan 2016 15:26
Thanks Wolfgar, well I do have beliefs , though exactly what they are is really to do with intuition with other layers added in. Your point is a perfectly valid one! I suppose this could apply to any incarceration or an abuse of freedom. We need to value it when we have it.
Interesting thanks, Stu. I try to use black humour as an entrée into forbidden areas, and hopefully it may hit a spot. The great thing with the original is the suspension of the final line throughout . Mine is a countering of that fulfilment. A bit like jazz that toys with a theme, or in your case, a starter that teases the palate!!