The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Unravelling ......

I          Stand         Still 
Motionless, in a kaleidoscopic tide of emotion
Spewing it's entrails
Demanding I take - notice 
I tell it to 

Fuck Off!

It is relentless in its desire to consume me
Like a - bad trip
Lucy, in her Sky with 

Surround yourself with love ....
                                              they say

Well love, can 
Fuck off too! 

I conceal myself within a cloak of exasperation
Majestic in its cynicism 

And   I    stand     still

Amongst the floating debris of dependency 
In which my soul
Begs for escape


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Vicki Ayers

Wed 20th Jan 2016 07:49

Thank you Martin - it's one one of my favourites too! xx

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Martin Elder

Tue 19th Jan 2016 22:36

There is some wonderfully rich description here Vicki. i love the line 'in a kaleidoscopic tide of emotion Spewing it's entrails' marvellous stuff

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