The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.



My head is saying walk away
My heart is saying stay, stay!

My head is saying what will be will be
My heart is saying please, love me

My head is saying all this will pass
My heart is saying I'm made of glass

My head is saying I don't need you
My heart is saying but I want you 

My head is saying Vic get a grip!
My heart is saying 

Watch out you'll slip
And fall into his arms
As soon as he turns on his charms
And drags you back into this hell
Where you'll be 
Under his spell...

My head is saying Walk Away! 
But still I stay 
And pray 
That perhaps

You'll change 

One day......

◄ Foreboding

No Mercy! ►


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Vicki Ayers

Thu 28th Jan 2016 14:23

Thanks chaps appreciate your comments - hope things pick up for you soon Lizzie x

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Thu 28th Jan 2016 08:19

Lie this poem


Thu 28th Jan 2016 02:12

Love this, it reminds me of now. I'm glad you walked away xxx

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Vicki Ayers

Thu 28th Jan 2016 00:34

Thanks again Martin - yes a hard thing to realise that endlessly waiting for all the 'one days' soon adds up to a lifetime!

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Martin Elder

Wed 27th Jan 2016 17:19

Sounds like you made the right decision Vicki. Sadly one day rarely comes to pass. I like the way you have positioned it almost like a whirlwind romance.
Nice one

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Vicki Ayers

Wed 27th Jan 2016 16:42

Thanks Rob - this was written awhile ago & you'll be pleased to know that I did 'walk away'! X

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Robert Mann

Wed 27th Jan 2016 16:34

Vicki - a helpless illogical love can destroy the besotted as easily as a car crash. Unfortunately most hearts are bound to have breakages. We can only hope the head doesn't suffer the same fate.

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