My dad wasn’t a clever man but he told me when I was young that if you shared all the money in the country out equally, inside a fortnight half of it would be back where it started. I couldn’t see it at the time but I’ve started to understand the kernel of truth it holds.
Consider if in the great divi-up you got the “Citizen’s Share” of £100,000, what would you do with it?
Well, there’s only two things you can do with money (three – if you count giving it away; but this only displaces by one the other two). You can spend it or save it.
So you spend it. A house, a new car, a holiday, flat screen TV. You’ve already started to give it back to Sony, Thomas Cook, Ford, McAlpine, not to mention all their intermediaries, suppliers and partners – Ryanair, estate agents, solicitors, ASDA, motor dealership and so on.
“Bugger that” you say, “I’m not giving it back to them bastards. I’ll save it”.
But where would you shove a hundred grand? In the banks?
I’m sure my dad was wrong about the amount and timeframe but I’m sure he was right in the head.
John Coopey
Sun 31st Jan 2016 19:32
Yvonne - but it spends once and once only (is that twice?)
MC - yes it would be good to see those who are fortunate putting something back in. Not necessarily money; time would be good too.