The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

In Crisis

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Can you spare a bit of change mate?
I'm truly am in need
I don't need a fix of powder
Or an ounce of weed
I need a cup of coffee mate
To help my bones get warm
I need a bed for the night
My sleeping bag's all torn

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
Can't you see me here?
I'm sitting right in front of you
Think I can't see you sneer?
I can't afford a bath mate
I can't afford new clothes 
It's how the cookie crumbles 
That's how the saying goes

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
I didn't stand a chance
My dad - well he's a wrong un
Played my mum a merry dance
And my sisters gone and married
Some bloke who lives down south
And I'm just left alone mate
Living hand to mouth

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
You'll never understand
Until you've lived a day here
Do you think my life was planned? 
I served for Queen & Country 
Now they've left me here to rot
A product of the system 
A statistic to be forgot 

Can you spare a bit of change mate?
Don't just walk on by
With your coat pulled up around you
Can't you look me in the eye?
I ain't no thieving scum mate
I'm a person just like you
Can't you lend a hand mate?

To help me pull on through


◄ Poet Brain (30w)

Somewhere ►


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Vicki Ayers

Tue 9th Feb 2016 09:22

Thank you both for your comments! Greatly appreciated!!
When I'm not writing or making music I work for a homeless charity here in B'ham called Crisis - I teach percussion, & technical theatre, life skills, &  build confidence. 'My boys'  humble me on a daily basis - this is my tribute to them based on their stories. Homelessness is an increasing problem - most of my chaps aren't addicts (although some are) they are educated, intelligent, amazing men who fell through the gaps in the system & are viewed by a lot of people as scum.

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Martin Elder

Mon 8th Feb 2016 21:36

You have captured well the attitudes of some people to a certain section of humanity who are looked down on by the rest, because of the way they appear and present themselves, because they are different. I like the way you have repeated the opening line of each stanza. Nice one Vicky

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Trevor Alexander

Mon 8th Feb 2016 14:03

Very good - and a poke at our conscience!

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