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We Are The Mums!

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Tall Mums, short Mums

Fat Mums, thin Mums

Sporty Mums, stressy Mums

Glammy Mums, slummy Mums

All shapes and

All guises

Gauging the sizes

Of our bums Mums


Mums can cook and read books

(mostly at the same time)

Mums can sing about silly things

Just to keep in rhyme

Mums can nurse and give a cuddle

Mums can run at speed

To trouble

Mums can wipe up sick and poo

And still remain in love with you


Mums like coffee, tea and bed

Somewhere quiet to hide their heads

Mums drink wine and cry with friends

Its all too much; can’t see the end

Mums are pros still to this day

Its just its all so far away

But Mums are strong and

Mums are brave

Mums can sometimes misbehave


Mums are just in day disguise

Starbucks coffees and Levis

Mums can rock and mums can roll

Beware the Mum’s ambitious goal!

Mums will make sure you’re okay

They wouldn’t sell you

On eBay

We are the Mums

All shapes and sizes

Superwomen in disguises!


mumsmotherskidsempowermentmothers day

◄ Eggs, Fudge and Arctic Roll

The No Through Road Trip ►


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Anna Ghislena

Tue 15th Mar 2016 10:51

Thanks Harry and Cynthia :)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 13th Mar 2016 17:24

Delightful romp through 'Mum-hood', Anna. Much enjoyed. Some very strong and truthful points.

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 8th Mar 2016 15:12

what a lovely, warm (rhymed) and amusing poem in praise of motherhood... even of the sick and pooey bits :)

(Or, as I used to complain to mine in this kind of weather; `Eee By gum mum, me bums numb`...and she`d give it a little rub.)

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Anna Ghislena

Tue 8th Mar 2016 11:25

Thank you everyone! Glad you enjoyed it! A x

Jemima Jones

Tue 8th Mar 2016 08:47

Hi Anna-how very much I agree with every word! keep putting the word in for 'us' perhaps one day kids and partners will get the message! Thank you.Jemima.

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Adam Whitworth

Tue 8th Mar 2016 01:04

Great stuff :)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 7th Mar 2016 16:49

hilariously clever!


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