Ten Years After
This is one of my oldest extant poems kindly published by John Hall in the first edition of Citizen 32.
Ten Years After (1979)
I am bobbing in a tiny boat upon a velvet ocean
Above me the moon smiles down
I now know there is no moon rabbit
And they know it is not made of cheese.
It is merely rock and dust, lit by the sun’s aura
Its smile merely craters ranged across its surface
The stars observed it all, impervious
To the puny meddling and jettisoned hardware.
We are somewhere in the South China Sea
And those same stars are now our company
Our vessel suspended by invisible thread
Rising and falling between sea and sky.
It is calm, nothing but the slap of sea on wood
And the occasional swish of a surfacing shark
Phosphorescence twinkles in the moonlight
As our rudderless craft drifts to the moon’s whim
Silence on board, even the children understand
But now and then a wheeze, a rasp, a cough, a whimper
I stare skywards and guess our direction
Orbiting satellites remind me we are not alone.
Things could be worse, they often were
We are drifting towards freedom, under a smiling moon
Three lives lost a small price to pay
Three drops in a vast and endless ocean.
I remember ’69, the world was different then
We learned to ask for KFC washed down with Bud
We stared at flickering TVs to salute those grainy heroes
As they destroyed our myths
I look at my huddled family
And turning towards the moon mouth a prayer
“Oh mother moon guide us to a new life.
May our voyage be as blessed as theirs.”
Wed 22nd Jul 2009 08:20
Don't know how this one drifted by without me noticing it. A great one Dave and such an unusual idea. We can send men to the moon, 'destroy myths' but back here on earth very little changes...