The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Louise Coulson

Updated: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 10:31 pm

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5th November This was written on the 6th November 2008 You were waiting, watching, silently, I awoke, to November the 5th, A celebration for many of a time they tried to over throw a king, Annually a burning of effigies of men who tried, to over through, a regime. As we look to those across the pond, of a past America, who did the same to daughters and sons of the transported. Who could forget those images, of that strange fruit. This morning we awoke to a change, something the world can celebrate, This morning, for your campaigning, Obama became the Great? Africa Your Africa is different to mine In mine people are chopped up With bones piled high, shining human ivory, At the heart, darkness. Your Africa is home Winter You rush past me with little dog tickling at your heels Too grown up now For warnings against elements and clothing I study you through the frost that splinters across the pane Like some soundless Glass symphony. The out buildings you weave through Transform into the stalls of an ancient crumbling amphitheater Which greedily relishes your intrusion Anticipating the silence ascending Breathing, resurrecting life for its next overture The crimson of your shirt bleeds into the pristine fresh snowfall Reverting time to the bonds first born at conception That links life to an inception before eternity Forgotten until many winters have perished before us I can barely see you now through the cool opaque misted screen I shatter like star dust as you cry I can't see you anymore You're just a shadow Summer The monochrome water colour sky Reflects the waters of the tears of time. Blood diluted But only the blood shared by our veins Despair spilled overtime Broken. The complicit silent bonds disintegrated I didn’t see this coming. Ironing ironic as a thoughtful moment Brought an awareness Warmed by the weak summer sun Piercing the crying sky. Wings dry soaring to join the flock With each beat free.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Louise Coulson

Mon 15th Apr 2013 23:31

Cheers Chris. Great to see both you and Natalie and thanks for the comment.

No offence taken at all. I was annoyed as you were trying to read and somebody was going on and we couldn't hear you.

Look forward to seeing you both soon.

L xx

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Chris Co

Mon 15th Apr 2013 21:17

Hey Louise,

Great poem/performance at the Tudor - me & Natalie both thought you were really good. Kinda suprised given you said performing might not be your thing.

Real conviction and a sort of "history of our days" vibe - good stuff.

I hope I didn't cause any upset when I was on. The lights were pretty dazzling on stage and I couldn't see - just heard what I thought was one of the hecklers. Natalie told me afterwards you were telling one of them off for sorry if I said the wrong thing.

Hope you read next time out.



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Peter Asher

Sun 11th Dec 2011 12:19

Like Rachel I've just 'round to reading your samples. Very impressed with the images you bring especially the simplicity in 'Africa'. I'm waiting for more.....

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Rachel Bond

Sun 26th Dec 2010 13:28

have just got round to reading your work (shame!).
so glad I did its really good. i loved the stark images of bones and a carnivorous Africa.... and your summer poem...i am always looking at crying skies...
hope to see you perform in the new year xx

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John Togher

Wed 15th Jul 2009 00:44

Cheers for your comment Louise. When we going to see you perform some of your stuff?

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