MY LONDON - Spring
In all the world there's nowhere quite
Like London on a soft spring night
When saffron sunset sends its grace
To linger on a much loved face.
And all around the very air
Thrills with time as if aware
That this great city is the stage
For this and every other age.
So much much done:
So much to tell the setting sun.
M.C. Newberry
Fri 15th Apr 2016 16:53
JC-I consider myself very lucky insofar that I came to this
city young with an open mind - and many miles by foot/wheels
(and a good few to pubs!) enabled me to gain a wide
knowledge of it and its people. It is best looked at as
a series of communities bound together by history and
local pride of its inhabitants. My early time was spent in
the docklands of the East End - then a complete change
to the West End...with a mobile mandate which added
to my knowledge. "Old London Town" has never lost its
appeal in its varied guises for this grateful inhabitant who
is blessedly aware that the London I love is far removed
from that known to the day-tripper or occasional
visitor. And remember - as a boy I was also blessed with
being born by the sea in Devon. Talk about the best of
both worlds!